Thursday, June 13, 2019

Try Crowdsourcing for Information

With the start of social media on the internet came all kinds of new terminology and ideas.  One of those ideas is Crowdsourcing.  A few months ago, we learned from our VA cousins that there was a rumor that an old family cemetery was located on some nearby property in Virginia.  Last month I took some time to try and see where a cemetery might be, but I never saw anything in my drives that looked promising.  There was a possibility that the information was just a rumor without any merit.  Still, I couldn't get past the idea that the potential cemetery could hold some clues to current brick walls in my family tree.  That's when I turned to Facebook.

Facebook groups can be an invaluable genealogy tool.  You can finds all kinds of groups pertaining to family history, and other groups, though not dedicated to genealogy, offer a place to answer questions about certain areas.  One of the groups I am a member of is a group dedicated to the Deltaville, VA area where much of the Jackson branch of the family settled.  Feeling as though I had nothing to lose, I posted a question about the possible location of the old family cemetery to the group.  And I hit pay dirt.
Area where one graveyard is possibly located.
I had someone who went out for a walk and found the location of one small graveyard, and then a huge influx of satellite photos with areas of potential interest outlined, suggestions of road locations where known small family cemeteries were and photos of a plat map with the graves marked with "X's".  I have about 7 locations to check on my upcoming vacation (my husband is thrilled). Sadly, there is a possibility that headstones are gone in some spots and in another area bodies were actually relocated to another larger cemetery in another town.  I am certain that there are at least 3 headstones still in place on one property.  The property owner was nice enough to send me a message with information and their phone number inviting me to come look at what they had. 

So if you're stuck on something and not sure where to go next, think outside the box a little and ask others who might have or be able to find the information to help.

I'm anxious now to get down south and search for graves!   

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